On my last 2 posts I was telling you how I think Facebook Ads is overrated in many cases and especially when trying to target very specific niches or in special situations. I mentioned the case of my dad, a car accident lawyer, whose target audience is virtually impossible to reach reliably on Facebook Ads. …
Tag Archives: ppc
Facebook Ads vs Google Ads Part 2: which one is best in niche markets?
Yesterday I was telling you why I think Facebook Ads are a fad. Yes, they work well in many situations, but I think they are definitely overrated. If you have a highly specific product or service, Google Ads can work much better. Take my dad, for example, a lawyer in the car accident niche. How …
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Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: Which one to to choose?
When it comes to Facebook Ads vs Google Ads, I need to get something out of my chest. I THINK FACEBOOK ADS ARE A FAD There, I said it. That feels good! Now, let me qualify that statement. It’s pretty funny (in a sad way) because I just had a conversation with a potential client. …
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No conversions/sales from your digital advertising? How to fix it (Part 2 of 2)
Continuing with my last post on fixing issues that are causing you to get no sales/conversions from your digital advertising, here are 3 more possible reasons: Targeting Even if your offer and landing page are great, it won’t work if you’re showing it to the wrong people. If budget is not a problem, you can …
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No conversions/sales from your digital advertising? How to fix it (Part 1 of 2)
If you’re not getting conversions/sales from your digital advertising, there can be several reasons. Here are a couple of the most important ones: Offer Arguably the most important factor, if you don’t have an offer that is attractive and makes sense to your market, no amount of advertising is going to help you. Focus on …
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More fun questions to make your digital advertising agency/consultant blush 😈
Did you try any of the hard questions for your digital advertising agency/consultant I gave you last time? Here are some more you can try, depending on their replies to the first one. If they are, in fact, tracking conversions, ask them this: “OK, so what attribution model are you using, and why?” I can …
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Hard questions to put your digital advertising agency/consultant on the spot 😈
Wanna have some fun? Try asking your digital advertising agency/consultant some hard questions. This will immediately tell you if they’re doing a good job with your account or just taking your money (of course, results are the ultimate measure, but if you have no benchmarks to compare against, these questions will help) 1) Are you tracking …
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How my dad went from depending on partners to having clients coming to him with Google Ads lead generation campaigns (part 2 of 2)
On the first part of this 2-part story, I was telling you how thanks to the Google Ads lead generation campaigns I’ve running from my dad, he no longer depends on just his partners (insurance companies) to send him work, and how things took an unexpected (positive) twist over the years. About 4 years ago, …
How My Dad Went From Depending on Partners, to Having Clients Coming to Him with Google Ads Lead Generation (Part 1 of 2)
My dad is a lawyer, has been doing that for 40 years. He was my very first client for Google Ads lead generation, and we’re still working together after many years. When we started, he performed work for an insurance company (he still does). It’s a pretty neat agreement for him, because they send him …
Are your Google Ads campaigns due for optimization?
Times like these are perfect to go DEEP into Google Ads optimization. If it’s driving traffic, it should be monitored regularly. However, just having a quick look every once in a while is not going to give you enough leverage to get you out of a tough spot. Spend some time “sharpening the saw”, so …
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