No conversions/sales from your digital advertising? How to fix it (Part 1 of 2)

If you’re not getting conversions/sales from your digital advertising, there can be several reasons. Here are a couple of the most important ones:

  1. Offer

Arguably the most important factor, if you don’t have an offer that is attractive and makes sense to your market, no amount of advertising is going to help you. Focus on fixing your offer.

Ideally, you should validate your offer first by surveying/talking to potential/existing customers and even trying to sell them your offer before you launch a campaign

2. Landing page

This is related to your offer. Once you think you have a strong offer, you must communicate it through words and design on your landing page. I believe words are more important than design, so I prefer to train on copywriting rather than on design, but still try to have a professional looking landing page.

On the second part of this post, we will look at 3 other elements that are important for getting conversions/sales from your digital advertising: your targeting, your ads, and your sales closing abilities. Stay tuned.

  • Juan Pablo

P.S.: I’m creating a free training where I go over each of the top 3 mistakes I see people new to Digital Advertising make, and how to fix them. Plus, I’m gonna give you a couple bonus tips that will help you slash your ad costs by probably 50% on Google Ads pretty much immediately*.

Click here to get the training: *The savings will depend on your situation, but I’m confident the 2 bonus tips will save you some money pretty quickly!