How to stop getting worthless likes and get willing to buy leads instead with Facebook Ads

On my last 2 posts I was telling you how I think Facebook Ads is overrated in many cases and especially when trying to target very specific niches or in special situations.

I mentioned the case of my dad, a car accident lawyer, whose target audience is virtually impossible to reach reliably on Facebook Ads. In his case, Google Ads are a much better option and I have been running ads very profitably for him for many years.

However, I did add a Facebook Ads component recently to his digital advertising strategy, and I was able to make it work. I was even able to beat our Google Ads CPL (cost per lead) with this new tactic.

What I’m talking about is retargeting with Facebook Ads (explained further on my first comment)

I get the initial click with Google Ads (example, someone looking for “hire a car accident lawyer in Santiago”), and then for the people that come to his website but don’t become leads, I show a retargeting ad on their Facebook feed. Facebook Ads are DIRT CHEAP these days because of Coronavirus, so it’s very likely you are leaving money on the table if you’re not doing this.

There is a specific ad format I used that was able to achieve this result. Comment FB RETARGETING if you want me to show you how to do this.