Why solo travel can be scary…

When it comes to being safe while solo traveling, one of the most important things you need to do is deal with your fear.

Solo travel can be really scary, especially if you’ve never done it before.

So, in my next posts we will discuss how to deal with the emotion of fear, so that you can take the leap of faith and take your first solo trip, or be calmer on your next trip.

Fear is also an important topic, because the less afraid you are, or really, the more able you are to deal with your fear, the safer you will be during your journey.

Some of the things you might fear when solo traveling are:

– missing your flight
– getting lost or stuck somewhere
– losing your things
– running out of money
– suffering an accident
– Being robbed, or worse

All these fears are real and are things that could actually happen.

The issue is how you handle them and prepare yourself in the event that they may occur.

Not all of these circumstances are equally likely to occur, and each has different strategies you can use to mitigate risk.

But even and beyond that, you have to deal with the underlying fear of these things.

I will talk to you about that soon.

Until next time,

Juan Pablo

P.S.: When you’re ready, remember that in the following places you can get some necessary products/services for your next trip:

Roaming plans:

T-Mobile (best option for frequent trips):

AT&T International:

Verizon International:

You can also buy an international prepaid SIM card from OneSim here:

Travel accessories:



Travel insurance/emergency evacuation:
