No conversions/sales from your digital advertising? How to fix it (Part 2 of 2)

Continuing with my last post on fixing issues that are causing you to get no sales/conversions from your digital advertising, here are 3 more possible reasons:

  1. Targeting

Even if your offer and landing page are great, it won’t work if you’re showing it to the wrong people. If budget is not a problem, you can afford the luxury of targeting more broadly and just seeing what converts best (i.e. taking. But if not, you really gotta think this through and leverage all the targeting options from your chosen digital advertising platform to maximize your odds from the very beginning of your campaign.

  • Ads

You can have a great offer, great landing page, great targeting, but without good ads that relate to all three, you will either get too few clicks to your landing page, or clicks that don’t convert. What you offer on your ads must match what you offer on your landing page. This will also help with Quality Score in the case of Google Ads, which can help reduce your Cost per Click (CPC).

  • Closing abilities

If your sales happen offline, or over the phone after generating a lead with your ads, it is crucial that you have a good process for closing prospects. Otherwise, no matter how many great leads you get with your digital advertising campaigns, you won’t be able to move the needle on your business.

Let me know if this helps or you have any other specific issues with digital advertising that you would like me to discuss in future posts.

– Juan Pablo

P.S.: I’m creating a free training where I go over each of the top 3 mistakes I see people new to Digital Advertising make, and how to fix them. Plus, I’m gonna give you a couple bonus tips that will help you slash your ad costs by probably 50% on Google Ads pretty much immediately*.

Click here to get the training:

*The savings will depend on your situation, but I’m confident the 2 bonus tips will save you some money pretty quickly!