85% of solo travelers are women and other interesting solo travel statistics…

Check out some interesting solo travel statistics from here: – Women travel solo more than men (they are about 85% of solo travelers!) – More than 70% of solo travelers choose a destination at least 4 months before departure (lockdowns? hint, hint) – Other than eliminating the single supplement, 19.9% said travel companies should have …

How to get leads coming at you on autopilot using digital advertising

This is a screenshot of incoming leads for my dad’s business (he’s a car accident lawyer). This required NO effort from his part after the system was setup. He’s in a very specific niche… so the effect can be much more dramatic in mainstream niches, such as travel. Even if you’re doing something really specific, …

Is cutting your marketing budget during a recession a good idea?

Short answer: No. Cutting your marketing budget during a recession is actually a terrible idea. Check out this great post by LinkedIn: https://business.linkedin.com/marketing-solutions/blog/b2b-content-marketing/2020/all-weather-marketing On these difficult times: “Don’t touch your face, don’t touch your stocks, and don’t touch your ads.” “Unfortunately, as much as marketers don’t like to hear this, the data suggests that spend …

Check out this weird pivot idea: from travel/tourism to e-commerce

(extract from my guide to digital marketing for travel/tourism businesses) I recently had a call with someone that was somewhat related to the tourism industry, and he decided to reinvent his business by pivoting to E-commerce. He started selling merchandise for his business. He did a quick test for selling hats with the logo of …

How to prepare for the next disruption to the travel market

(extract from my guide to digital marketing for travel/tourism businesses) I think this pandemic will not be the last one we will suffer. Maybe there will be a second wave of coronavirus after everything is said and done, I’ve seen some people talk about that. It’s also possible that we have a different virus in …

How to make money in the travel/tourism industry NOW, even if your business is closed

(extract from my guide to digital marketing for travel/tourism businesses) Your customers and prospects got in touch with you for a REASON. That reason still exists, even if your business is closed right now or people are scared to travel. That means you can still make money in the travel/tourism industry. If you don’t have …

Here’s what to say in the travel market during this time

(extract from my guide to digital marketing for businesses in the travel market) In terms of what to say, or what to market during this time, I would say just be very thoughtful and emphatic. Be very careful with your tone and the message you are giving to the travel market. People have bigger things …

To market or not to market in the travel industry during COVID-19? That is the question

(extract from my guide to digital marketing in COVID times for travel/tourism businesses) One of the questions people have in the travel/tourism industry during this COVID-19 time is whether you should be marketing or not. It’s a very important question. You need to make a decision on whether you are going to stand by and …

Bad things that happen when you use the wrong attribution model for your digital advertising campaigns

Continuing with my mini-series about attribution models, I was previously telling you how  the last-click model gives all the credit, as the name says, to the last click that preceded a conversion (typically a lead or sale). However, generating conversions is a team sport! Each medium and campaign plays a role. Think about a soccer …