Bad things that happen when you use the wrong attribution model for your digital advertising campaigns

Continuing with my mini-series about attribution models, I was previously telling you how  the last-click model gives all the credit, as the name says, to the last click that preceded a conversion (typically a lead or sale). However, generating conversions is a team sport! Each medium and campaign plays a role. Think about a soccer …

Why using the last-click attribution model is probably a terrible idea for your campaigns

Continuing with my last post about attribution models, I was telling you how, in most cases, using the default “last-click” model is a terrible idea. The last-click model attributes conversions, as the name says, to the last click that happened right before it. It doesn’t take into account everything that happens before it: only the …

Why choosing the right attribution model is critical for digital advertising ROI

An attribution model is what you use to, as the word says, attribute conversions to a campaign, i.e., give credit where credit is due. When it comes to measuring the results of your digital advertising, not all conversions are created equal (a conversion is some kind of concrete action produced thanks to a campaign, such …