Why paid media can save you in these difficult times

It’s very likely that your business is on survival mode right now. It can be very tempting to start doing a million things in order to get more revenue. But that can backfire. This is NOT the time to do SEO and network. Those things have their time and place, and I’m not saying you …

It’s Sink or Swim Time in Digital Advertising – What are YOU Gonna do?

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” Dale Carnegie Well, most of us get actually have to “sit home” at this time, but the rest of this quote is perfectly applicable for digital …

This is How to Write a Great Google Ad

Writers block… everyone that has ever written an ad has faced it. Is this you? Normally, the advice for writer’s block is just… write! Write whatever comes to mind, and then edit later. Yeah, this usually helps, but the problem is that Google Ads need to be short… so freely writing a bunch of long-winded …

5 Simple Steps to Stop Digital Advertising Overwhelm and Finally Get Stuff Done

When you are starting out a career in digital Marketing, or getting your feet wet as an entrepreneur trying to learn digital advertising, it can be pretty overwhelming. So many strategies out there! You probably don’t know where to start. Maybe you have dabbled in a bit of everything. But what’s really blocking you right …