This is How to Write a Great Google Ad

Writers block… everyone that has ever written an ad has faced it. Is this you?

Normally, the advice for writer’s block is just… write! Write whatever comes to mind, and then edit later.

Yeah, this usually helps, but the problem is that Google Ads need to be short… so freely writing a bunch of long-winded copy won’t work, because it probably won’t even fit in the ad. So what to do? Here’s 3 tips:

  • Focus on your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

What makes your product/service different? Write short sentences around that.

If you REALLY have your USP nailed down, use it on your Google ad!

Here’s an example of a good USP, the old Domino’s Pizza’s: “Fresh Hot Pizza Delivered To Your Door In Under 30 Minutes Or It’s Free!”. I recommend Mark Joyner’s book “The Irresistible Offer” that has some of the best thinking I have seen on this subject.

  • Use keywords

If you have a properly structured Google Ads account, coming up with ideas from your ad groups should be pretty easy. Just rotate the keywords, focusing on the ones with best performance (if your account has some history). This will increase your Quality Score as well, because the keywords will match the ads, which can drive down your CPCs and other cost metrics.

  •  Use calls to action

Use phrases like “Call Now”, “Schedule an Appointment”, “Download the Free Ebook”, “Watch this Training Now”, etc.

Just mixing and matching these components should be enough to write your first ad. You can develop more ads organically over time as you gather data from the campaigns’ results, customer surveys, your growing understanding of the market, among other places.

Hope this helps!

Juan Pablo

P.S.: I’m creating a free training where I go over each of the top 3 mistakes I see people new to Digital Advertising make, and how to fix them. Plus, I’m gonna give you a couple bonus tips that will help you slash your ad costs by probably 50% on Google Ads pretty much immediately*.

Click here to get the training:

*The savings will depend on your situation, but I’m confident the 2 bonus tips will save you some money pretty quickly!