5 Simple Steps to Stop Digital Advertising Overwhelm and Finally Get Stuff Done

When you are starting out a career in digital Marketing, or getting your feet wet as an entrepreneur trying to learn digital advertising, it can be pretty overwhelming. So many strategies out there! You probably don’t know where to start.

Maybe you have dabbled in a bit of everything. But what’s really blocking you right now is the setting up of these things: How to create the ads, and get them approved by Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube? And how to make sales and generate leads from the traffic?

You can do this, but you gotta take it step by step.

  1. Stop consuming and stop doing. Get unstuck

Let me guess… you probably bought or signed up for many courses and are following a bunch of experts, but haven’t really taken advantage of them yet. Put a stop to that. You need to stop consuming information, and start taking action.

  • Choose one platform, and master it before you move on to the next one.

Which one to choose? That’s a topic for another occasion. But whatever you choose, give it a good shot and don’t be discouraged if your first campaigns fail. This is normal, even experienced pros fail from time to time. The important thing is to learn and gather data, which then you can act upon to improve your campaigns.

  • Make sure you get familiar with your chosen platform’s policies.

So many people get in trouble with account suspensions for doing things that could have been easily avoided just by reading the policies.

  • Keep it simple!

Don’t worry about advanced features and fancy softwares and all that. Just get a campaign up and get a feel for your market. You can adjust as you go and create better campaigns later. But you gotta learn the process, so don’t expect a homerun on your first try.

  • After your ads are approved and running, make sure you stay on top.

Login at least once a week, ideally more often, especially when you have just launched a new campaign, and make any necessary adjustments.

Just implementing these 5 simple tips can help you avoid some massive landmines with your ads. Now, go implement!

– Juan Pablo

P.S.: I’m creating a training where I go over the 3 most common mistakes I see people make with their ads when learning digital advertising, and how to fix them. Plus, I’m gonna give you a couple bonus tips that will help you slash your ad costs by probably 50% on Google Ads pretty much immediately*.

Just comment FIX MY ADS if you want it.

*The savings will depend on your situation, but I’m confident the 2 bonus tips will save you some money pretty quickly!