Getting freelance clients in sites such as Upwork can be stressful and frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be. Follow these 3 quick tips to scale the odds in your favor and land projects quickly every time you need more work.

Create a great profile

If you want to make a strong first impression on your potential clients, having a great profile on each freelancing platform is key. A strong profile shows your expertise & qualifications, testimonials, past projects & results, and soft skills that make you a great freelancer. An appropriate picture is recommended as well (make sure your dress code appeals to the type of client you’re trying to get).

Apply to jobs every day

Make sure you apply for projects every single (working) day, especially if you’re a new freelancer. Until you get to the point where opportunities start coming to you by themselves, the only way to get work is to go find it yourself.

Offer a free consultation & seal the deal

In your proposals, it’s a good idea to offer your potential clients a free consultation. Depending on your field of work, your consultation should focus on giving your client specific advice relating to the job they want done, or more general advice on how to pick a great contractor. Either way, by giving them a sample of your skills and knowledge, it’s likely that at some point during the consultation they will start inquiring more about your services. This is your signal to switch to “pitch mode” and really try to seal the deal. And if they don’t ask, just make them an offer yourself.

By doing these 3 simple things, you will dramatically increase the chances of landing new clients. Take action, be persistent, and you will succeed!

If you need help with your freelancing, I’m offering FREE* coaching. I was awarded Top Rated Freelancer status on the Upwork freelancing platform in 2015. Let me teach you everything I know about freelancing, learn my proven methodology for getting & keeping clients, step-by-step with personalized advice. Click here for more details.
